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A bilingual dialogue between friends

Jessica interviewing Thalal. An interview in English and French:

Q: What has been your best memory of this entire project so far?

A: j’ai passé 4 jours à New York à demander aux inconnus où je peux trouver des cheeseburgers halal.

Q: Were there any surprises on this trip?

A: effectivement nous avons ete surpris par l'effort fourni par les étudiants américains et par tout le staff ici à new york en effet nous ne Sauron comment les remercier.

Q: What do you think about the two weeks that we have know each other?

A: Ce n'est pas suffisant. Vous allez me manquez.

Q: Why do you think that we were able to become friends?

A: je pense qu’on est deux personne tres differente mais en meme temps tres proche , il est vrai que j’ai l’aire de me contre dire mais la base elle meme d’une amitié est la complicité et nous on se complete.

Thalal interviewing Jessica. An interview in English and French:

Q: qu’est-ce que tu as apprécié chez les étudiants marocains pendant votre séjour au Maroc?

A: I appreciated how the Moroccan students shared their talents with us. We heard Nabil rap over a Sykpe call from New York City to Rabat. Talal played the piano for us at our hotel in Tangier. We found out that he produced all the music for the 'By the Work of Her Hands' short film. Most impressively, I really got to see Yassmina's passion for film through her work ethnic. Last but not least, we saw Youssef consume an impressive amount of food in both Morocco and the United States.

Q: j’ai l’impression que tu pense à quelque chose, la quelle ?

A: I’m thinking about how almost everyone is sleeping right now and you are staying up with me to write this blog because you were too nice to say no. But, we are listening to decent music so it’s actually a nice night.

Jessica, Thalal, and Adam in Challah (Rabat, Morocco)(left)

Jessica and Thalal at Safari restaurant (New York, NY, USA)(right)

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